This Link NCA study consisted of primary qualitative data collection and secondary quantitative data analyses using datasets provided by Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit (FSNAU) covering Gu and Deyr seasons between 2014 and 2020.
Out of 17 risk factors believed to have an impact on the incidence of undernutrition in the study zone, 4 risk factors were identified as having a major impact, namely non-optimal breastfeeding practices, non-optimal complementary feeding practices, low access to income sources and low coping capacities.
Based on available data provided by FSNAU, common risk factors for wasting on the basis of at least one index (weight for height z-score (WHZ), MUAC or WHZ and/or MUAC), stunting and underweight include a male child, the occurrence of morbidities, including diarrhoea and pneumonia, and the household’s dependence on gifts/zakaat as their primary source of income. On the other hand, children were less likely to be wasted, stunted or underweight if they received Vitamin A supplementation, consumed cereals or any meat, their household owned land or declared petty trade as their primary source of income.
The Link NCA methodology was developed by Action Against Hunger under the supervision of a scientific committee composed of multi-sectoral experts from Action Against Hunger as well as leading researchers from Tufts University, the Institute of Research for Development and the World Food Programme.
The Link NCA is made possible thanks to the generous support of the American and European people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the European Commission (ECHO). The content of this website is the responsibility of Action Against Hunger and does not necessarily reflect the views of donors.