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Adamaoua Region


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Firmin Kouassi

Managing organization
Première Urgence Internationale

European Union

The massive influx of Central African refugees into Cameroon, due to the violent fights of March 2015, led to an influx of refugees in the East of the country. There is a strong pressure on natural resources (land, water sources, wood), and pressure on basic services and existing infrastructure (latrines, water points, health centers, schools, etc.). 

This is particularly worrying in a region with prevalence rates of global acute malnutrition of 9.4% and global chronic malnutrition of 51.2% (SMART 2017 survey).

The following major risk factors have been identified:

  • Low use of health services
  • Unsustainable water management at the household level and transport
  • Poor hygiene and sanitation practices: Contamination by animals and culinary hygiene
  • High workload for women
  • Low female autonomy / Low relative decision-making power
  • At the end of this study, programmatic recommendations were made, to know more, consult the Final Report.

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