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Delon Madavan


2 studies finished
Delon Madavan is a research associate at the Center for Studies on India and South Asia (CEIAS - EHESS / CNRS) in Paris and at the Center for Studies and Research on India, South Asia and his diaspora (University of Quebec in Montreal). He defended a geography PhD in 2013 entitled "The Tamil minorities in Colombo, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore: minorities, socio-spatial integrations and transnationalities" at the University Paris-Sorbonne, institution in which he taught during 5 years. He then participated as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of UQAM in a study project on the integration of Tamil populations in French-speaking countries in Paris and Montreal.

For the past ten years, his research has focused on the link between migration, socio-spatial integration and identities to analyze the forms of integration of migrant or minority populations in several cities (Jaffna, Colombo, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Paris and recently Montreal).

Delon Madavan has published three books in his own name or in co-direction, several articles in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters on his research topics. He has also organized numerous scientific events. He is also one of the editors of an online Sri Lanka & Diasporas journal and is a member of two editorial boards of academic journals (The Notebooks of Geographers and The South Asianist). He is also the production manager and co-host of the South Asia's Hub radio show.

His expertise on the Tamil population is recognized and sought by the refugee protection offices of several European countries, as well as by local authorities (City of Paris) or the media (France 24, RFI, Vatican Radio, Radio Libertaire, Groundviews (Sri Lanka).

Since 2015, he has also worked with Action Against Hunger as Link NCA Analyst. 


A/ PhD Madavan D., 2013, Les minorités tamoules à Colombo, Kuala Lumpur et Singapour : minorités, intégrations socio-spatiales et citadinités, thèse de doctorat en géographie, Paris, Université Paris-IV Sorbonne, 482 p. (Accepté pour publication dans la collection Géographie et cultures de L’Harmattan) B/ works in own name Goreau-Ponceaud A. et D. Madavan, 2013, Dictionnaire insolite de Sri Lanka, Paris, Cosmopole. Madavan D., Dequirez G. et E. Meyer (dir.), 2011, Les communautés tamoules et le conflit sri lankais, Paris : L’Harmattan/Collection Géographie et Cultures. Madavan, D., 2007, Jaffna et le conflit intercommunautaire  à Sri Lanka, Paris, PRODIG, Collection "Grafigéo". B/ Chapters in collective works Madavan D., 2014, « La promotion d’un Little India au service de la patrimonialisation de l’identité indienne à Singapour », in Goreau-Ponceaud A. (dir.), Patrimoine(s), politique(s) et ethnicité dans l’aire indianocéanique, Presses universitaires de Bordeaux, pp. 15-31 Dequirez G., Madavan, D. et E. Meyer, 2013, "Sri Lankans in France", in The Encyclopedia of the Sri Lankan Diaspora, Singapore, Editions Didier Millet Madavan D., 2011, «Géographie des ‘espaces refuges’ des Tamouls jaffnais depuis ledébut de la guerre à Sri Lanka», in Madavan D., Dequirez G. et E. Meyer (dir.), Les communautés tamoules et le conflit sri lankais, 2011, Paris : L’Harmattan/Collection Géographie et Cultures. C/ Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Meyer E. et Madavan D., 2015, « Sri Lanka les séquelles de la guerre », in Hérodote n°158-3eme Trimestre 2015, pp.219-239  

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